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Monday, November 22, 2010

Working for a Church

There are advantages and disadvantages to every kind of job.  Environment, pay, co-workers...all can play into whether or not someone loves or hates their work.  Fortunately, there are many different types of people in this world, because there are jobs I just couldn't survive doing...but I digress.  There are many things I love about my job...the kids are #1, the other teachers I work with, the environment of the parish is fantastic.  There are things I wish were better, of course.  I wish my classroom had windows and the salary was a little closer to a real "living wage," but again, I digress.  One of my favorite things (after my students, of course) about working in a Catholic school is that I have access to a church, 24/7.  I hate the fact that there are people out there that require us to keep churches locked (and I'm not talking about the insurance people, either...I'm talking about the people we're trying to keep out...the vandals and the thieves).  There is a hallway just outside my classroom, however, that leads directly into the church basement.  It's locked going into the school but not going into the church.  There is very little I find more peaceful than a quiet, dark church and after I've had a particularly stressful day, I'll usually make my way up into the Eucharistic Chapel and sit in adoration for a while.  I'm always more relaxed and at peace when I leave (and I usually pay a little extra for a candle, too, so my evening visits are benefiting the church).  I wish everyone could experience, even just once, the peace of a quiet, dark, empty church.

1 comment:

  1. You're so blessed that you can go in the Church at any time! You get to spend time with Jesus all alone! I'm feeling Holy Jealousy! :)
