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Thursday, January 27, 2011

That'll Teach Me...

This afternoon, some of my piano students and I got together and had a party to celebrate Mozart's birthday.  We watched a movie about Mozart's life and music and had pizza for dinner and birthday cake.  (I'm very impressed by the woman behind the bakery counter at Festival who didn't so much as blink when I said I wanted "Happy Birthday Mozart!" written on a cake.)  I planned what I could eat all day so I could have 2 pieces of pizza, a breadstick, and a slice of cake.  I did great...right up until I finished my 2nd slice of pizza.  It was so good I talked myself into one more slice of cheese pizza, promising myself that I would walk it off on the treadmill before I went to bed.  The total I needed to walk off came to 305 calories.  So I came home and started walking.  I walked 84 minutes and was still 10 calories short!  UGH!  That'll teach me...

1 comment:

  1. I once had them put "Happy Anniversary Scott & Zelda" with a picture of the Fitzgeralds on a cake. I bet they see lots of weird stuff.
